Do you live near a university with a music program? One that has a community music school? One that cares about adult amateur musicians as well as young (soon-to-be-professionals) students?
I just returned from the Adult String Weekend at the University of Alabama. This is the 7th year for the event and I’ve been going since the start, as have many of the string players who go to participate, meet old friends and make new friends. It’s a wonderful weekend of playing in orchestra, chamber groups, and having special sessions on anything from technique to fiddling. Not only is it led by an incredible team of professional, caring music teachers, but we get the benefit of the string majors at the school. Our conductor is a man who understands that adult amateurs are not professional and we are not music majors. We are there because we have a passion to play music with others. We aren’t the best, we make mistakes, but we’re learning and growing and it’s fabulous!
This is one good looking, musical, happy group! (Count those cellos!)
So if you’re anywhere near the University of Alabama next August, you are invited to join us! If not, I urge you to find a college, meet with the music directors, and create an Adult String Weekend. You can even make your own T-shirt!
You know who says:
I thought (at first glanc). those were hairbrushes standing upright !
Dr. Anne C. Witt says:
Nancy, you are our best cheerleader! AND……. a super good cellist! Everyone is invited to join us next year – August 24-26, 2018 – at the University of Alabama for the Adult Strings Weekend! Bring some of your violin, viola and bass friends!